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School Liaison Officer


Welcome to NAS Fallon!

Please reach out to the Point of  Contacts listed below if you should have any questions:

Melanie Murphy, Installation School Liaison:

The School Liaison Officer’s primary function is to serve as a conduit between parents, educators and the command so that military-connected children experience a seamless transition during the transfer between schools. Most military children move up to nine times in their PreK-12th grade years and consistency and retention of educational goals is a major focus for families when planning to PCS. The School Liaison Officers can offer information on area schools and help facilitate communication between the military family on matters relating to regional public and private schools as well as home school and alternative modes of education.

The School Liaison Officer provides information and resources for military families on internal organizations including, but not limited to, Fleet and Family Support Programs (FFSP), Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP), Child and Youth Program (CYP) activities as well as some external organizations, such as but not limited to, the Armed Services YMCA, Military Family Collaborative, and Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society. They also serve as a subject matter expert in education-related issues such as the Interstate Compact for Military Children, Department of Education, local school districts and other education related organizations.

*Please see Core Services for specific school related supports available.

The School Liaisons can:
• Answer questions about school enrollment options
• Provide information about local schools and boundaries
• Assist with inbound/outbound school transfers
• Help you understand and navigate the special education process
• Provide resources for college readiness
• Assist with agency referrals
...And much more!

School Liaison Officers are available to assist all service members and their families with school-related questions. Visit our Directory  for contact information or for program updates and assistance.

Why School Liaison Officers?
• Families move an average of every 2.9 years
• Children attend up to 9 different schools by graduation
• Families experience increased stress related to deployment during wartime

Core Services
• School Transition Services (PCS Cycle): School Liaison Officers assist families with school transfers and help “level the playing field” for military children and youth.
• Deployment Support: School Liaison Officers connect educators with the Navy deployment support system to inform them about the cycles of deployment and the tools available to assist educators in working with Navy children.
• Command, School, Community Communications: School Liaison Officers serve as subject-matter experts for installation commanders on K-12 issues, helping to connect command, school and community resources.
• Home School Linkage and Support: School Liaison Officers assist Navy families by gathering and sharing information on home schooling issues, policies and legislation from local school districts. They also help leverage Navy Child and Youth Programs resources to support these families.
• Partnerships in Education (PIE): PIE creates a volunteer network of resources to support installation and community members who have a vested interest in the success of all youth.
• Post-Secondary Preparations: School Liaison Officers leverage installation and school resources to provide graduating military students with access to post-secondary information and opportunities.
• Special Needs System Navigation: School Liaison Officers provide information about installation and community programs and services, make referrals to the Exceptional Family Member Program, and offer assistance in navigating the administrative systems within local education agengies.


What is a School Liaison and how can they help me?
School Liaisons (SL) help by providing you with educational information on your new area (based on residence) and link you up with a SLO in your next duty station if you are leaving NRSW. SLs also offer resources on deployment support, are the liaison between command, schools and military families, work with commands and schools on the Partnership in Education program, can help families navigate the special needs programs in districts, and offer information and support for Home School and Post Secondary preparation.

How do I choose a school?
We know the importance of choosing a school that best meets the needs of your military child(ren). Even though we are unable to make direct recommendations for schools, we are available to help you acquire information and research the schools in your area and within NRSW. We can provide overall information on districts as well as help you determine what schools you might be mapped to once you have a residence.

What is the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)?
A New Education Law: The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed by President Obama on December 10, 2015, and represents good news for our nation's schools. This bipartisan measure reauthorizes the 50-year-old Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), the nation's national education law and longstanding commitment to equal opportunity for all students. The new law builds on key areas of progress in recent years, made possible by the efforts of educators, communities, parents, and students across the country. For more information, please visit:

What are the health and immunization requirements?
Immunization information can be found at Once you determine where you will live and what school your child will attend, you should also check with your school to be sure there are no additional district requirements.

What are the School Registration procedures?
This depends on what school district you are looking to enroll your child in. We recommend that once you establish residence, that you contact the school directly. However, one thing you can do to prepare is to use the Checklist for School Moves to ensure that you hand carry all necessary documents.

What if I’m on a housing wait-list or am in temporary housing?
Most military housing areas and school districts with military housing are familiar with this situation. We recommend that you ask your local housing office for a letter indicating that you are on the waitlist, and will be moving into housing within 30 days. Most times this is all the schools need to proceed with registration. If you have questions or issues, please contact your SL.

What is the Interstate Compact and what can it do for my family?
The Interstate Compact seeks to make transition easier for the children of military families so that they are afforded the same opportunities for educational success as other children and are not penalized or delayed in achieving their educational goals. More information can be found at:

What options are there for before and after school care?
Before and After school care is something that has created a challenge for some families given the lack of availability. We recommend that you start looking for care early! If your installation has a Child & Youth Programs, youcan request before/after school care at Additionally you can ask your school or district what they offer. This is many times the best option, particularly if they offer on site care. If they don’t, many times the school will know what is available close to the school or in your community. If you are still having difficulty, contact your School Liaison and they will work with you to try to find other options.

What if I’m moving with a child with special needs?
In the Navy, your School Liaison Officer can help you with the special needs navigation of the school or district that you are planning to send your child(ren) to. You should also contact the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) to ensure that you are enrolled and that you have all information and resources that they offer. * Please note that the Marine Corps School Liaisons do not assist with Special Needs navigation. They have an EFMP that covers both medical and educational assistance. This is important to know in NRSW, and especially in Metro San Diego since we work jointly to serve our military families.

Can School Liaison advocate in an IEP for my child?
The Navy School Liaisons are not able to advocate on your behalf. In our program, we offer information, resources and help you find the right people to talk to at the school or district. If you ever have issues with your IEP or school, please call your School Liaison since we also have many community resources that can offer guidance and direct assistance.


School Transition Support

School Liaisons assist families with school transfers and help “level the playing field” for military children and youth.

How to Insure a Smooth Move

Visit MilitaryOneSource for information on your gaining installation and surrounding communities. The site also provides information about the programs, services, and maps for military installations worldwide. You can also subscribe to their newsletters. You will also have access to a variety of information, including:

PlanMyMove gives you customized moving tools, such as timelines, calendars and checklists.

Both MilitaryOneSource and PlanMyMove connect you to reliable sources of information about programs and services outside the gate. Visit Fleet & Family Support Center for additional relocation information.

Utilize the School Liaison Directory to connect with your Installion School Liaison before you move. The directory can be found at

Youth Sponsorship

Youth Sponsorship (grades 3-12) provides access to positive peer groups and social activities, helping military children feel connected at their new duty station. Youth Sponsors can talk about the location, schools, sports, events, shopping, library, and more; build new peer relationships to ease the first week of school; discuss class options; answer questions your child may have, and more. To learn more or connect with a youth sponsor, see the Youth Sponsorship tab.

For Youth Sponsorship with School Age Care or Youth Programs, participants must be enrolled or a registered user.

Child and Youth Programs

The NAS Fallon Child and Youth Programs offers full-time, hourly, before- and after- school, and recreational programs to children ages 6 weeks to 18 years. Caregivers receive extensive training in child and youth development to ensure an enriching experience for young Navy family members. Program elements include age appropriate activities, participation in the USDA food program, and monthly training requirements of staff. Visit the Child Development Center (CDC) or School-Age Care (SAC)/Teen pages to learn more.

To request care for the CDC or SAC programs visit where you can find comprehensive information on child care programs worldwide, conduct a customized search for the care you need and submit a request for care at any time and from any location.

School Transition Resources

Military Youth on the Move: A website to help kids learn about new duty station Are you a service provider looking for a program or service across all installations? Simply select the program or service and then choose any installation or enter any zip code. A downloadable directory for all installations will be available on the results page.

SchoolQuest: Includes school finder based on state or military installation, blog, library, state education resources and “Ask Aunt Peggie”.

Interstate Compact for Military Children (MIC3) has been signed by the state of California and addresses the key issues of Eligibility, Enrollment, Placement and Graduation encountered by military families. Roll out has taken place in some districts in Metro San Diego and is pending in others. Contact your School Liaison for more information.

The Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC)'s work is focused on ensuring quality educational opportunities for all military children affected by mobility, family separation, and transition. MCEC School Quest is a school finder.

Anchored4Life is a peer-to-peer club to connect youth while building transition and resiliency skills. The club provides opportunities for peers to enhance social skills, learn leadership skills, build character, improve self-esteem, and integrate into their community.

DoDEA: The Department of Defense Educational Activity instructional program provides a comprehensive pre-kindergarten through 12th grade curriculum overseas and at select locations in the continental U.S.

Non-DoD Schools Program (NDSP): At overseas/international locations where there is not a DoDEA school, NDSP supports a variety of options for your children, ranging from public or private schools to homeschool programs.

Children With Special Needs

School Liaisons provide information about installation and community programs and services, make referrals to the Exceptional Family Member Program, and offer assistance in navigating the administrative systems within local education agencies. Your child should be enrolled in the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) if he or she has special needs. EFMP Liaisons can be reached by calling 775-426-3333. The number for EFMP Navy Headquarters is (866) 827-5672.

*This is a mandatory program for any family member who has special medical, educational, developmental, and/or emotional need or concern.

Children With Special Needs

DirectSTEP eCourses explain legal requirements and best practices for behavior management, autism, IDEA eligibility, IEPs and more. They also teach parents and educators how to handle critical education issues to obtain positive outcomes while applying education laws to the day-to-day world of teaching and learning.

SpecialEdConnection: Instantly locate proven strategies, helpful tools, special education law, federal statutes/regulations and more - with the online solution thousands of your colleagues already rely on. Username: navysand; password: navystaff

Navy EFMP: Exceptional Family Member Program serves military families with special needs.

Nevada PEP: is a nonprofit organization that provides information, services and training to Nevada families of children with disabilities.

TASK: Team of Advocates for Special Kids is a nonprofit charitable organization whose mission is to enable individuals with disabilities to reach their maximum potential by providing them, their families and the professionals who serve them with training, support, information, resources and referrals, and by providing community awareness programs.

PACER: With over 30 different projects, the Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights provides individual assistance, workshops, publications, and other resources to help families make decisions about education and other services for their child or young adult with disabilities.

LD On-line: The world's leading website on learning disabilities and ADHD, serving more than 200,000 parents, teachers, and other professionals each month.

NICHCY: National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities serves the nation as a central source of information on disabilities in infants, toddlers, children, and youth.

EFMP&ME: EFMP & MEis your 24/7guide to the Exceptional Family Member Program. Use this tool to navigate through the Department of Defense's network of services and support for families with special needs.

Deployment Support

School Liaison Officers connect educators with the Navy deployment support system to inform them about the cycles of deployment and the tools available to assist educators in working with Navy children. Please reach out to the School Liaison Officer before, during, or after deploying for additional support.

Deployment Resources

The Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC)’s work is focused on ensuring quality educational opportunities for all military children affected by mobility, family separation, and transition. MCEC School Quest is a school finder.

Anchored4Life is a peer-to-peer club to connect youth while building transition and resiliency skills. The club provides opportunities for peers to enhance social skills, learn leadership skills, build character, improve self-esteem, and integrate into their community.

MilitaryOneSource helps make all phases of deployment successful by being prepared and informed. From pre-deployment to homecoming and reintegration, they have the information you need to take command of your MilLife, whether it is your first deployment or your last.

Operation: Military Kids: Provides support to the children and families impacted by the Global War on Terrorism.

Homeschool Linkage and Support

School Liaison Officers assist Navy families by gathering and sharing information on home schooling issues, policies and legislation from local school districts. They also help leverage Navy Child and Youth Programs resources to support these families.

Homeschool Resources

HSDLA: Provides homeschool laws by state, connects to homeschool organizations, and offers support for every step of your homeschool journey.

Homeschool Central: has a great deal of information about applicable laws and support groups right at your fingertips. Even if you are planning to educate at home in another country. the original homeschool community lists support groups by geographic areas.

School Choice: The Ultimate Guide to Online School - How Does Online School Work?

Partners in Education (PIE)

PIE creates a volunteer network of resources to support installation and community members who have a vested interest in the success of all youth. The goal of the PIE program is to improve scholastic achievement, enhance the development of social and life skills, and offer vocational guidance. If you or your command would like to become a Partner In Education, please reach out to the School Liaison Officer.

Post Secondary Support

School Liaisons leverage installation and school resources to provide graduating military students with access to post-secondary information and opportunities.

Post Secondary Resources Offers students free grade, activities and test score specific profiles and information on hundreds of colleges. Provides student financial assistance resources. VA website for Post 9/11 GI Bill, transferability and Yellow Ribbon. Find schools and ways to pay on FastWEB. The smart student guide to financial aid.

Academy and ROTC Military Academy Links for West Point, Navy, AF, CG, Merchant Marine. ROTC links for Army, Navy and Air Force.

Military Scholarship Resources Military scholarship search. DECA scholarships for military children. Fleet Reserve Association. American Military Retirees Association. Veterans of Foreign Wars. Anchor Scholarships Foundation. Scholarships for dependents of military personnel.

Additional Scholarship Resources College Board scholarship search. College Net Scholarship database. National Merit Scholarships. Peterson’s Undergraduate Scholarship Search. Princeton Review Scholarships and Aid. College Scholarships Directory.

Additional Resources and Organizaitons Devoted to Military Families

Military Installations School Liaison Directory

Expanded Eligibility Pilot Program DoDEA Virtual High School, Homeschool school-aged dependents of active duty members of the armed forces in grade 9-12 are able to enroll in E2P2 for an opportunity to take AP or CTE Courses through the DoDEA Virtual High School. For more information, please contact your School Liaison, and the link below.

MyNavy Portal: web portal that integrates many of the Navy’s human resources information technology systems, knowledge, and applications into a simplified user experience.

Military Homefront: Department of Defense website for official Military Community and Family Policy (MC&FP) program information, policy and guidance designed to help troops and their families, leaders, and service providers.

National Military Family Association (NMFA): Founded 43 years ago, the National Military Family Association is the leading non-profit organization focusing on issues important to military families.

Fleet & Family Support Programs: Information on installations in Navy Region Southwest and the many services provided for military families.

Navy MWR: delivers high-quality, customer-focused programs and services that contribute to resiliency, retention, readiness, and quality of life.

Military Impacted Schools Association (MISA): a national organization of school superintendents. Our mission is to serve school districts with a high concentration of military children.

DirectSTEP eCourses explain legal requirements and best practices for behavior management, autism, IDEA eligibility, IEPs and more. They also teach parents and educators how to handle critical education issues to obtain positive outcomes while applying education laws to the day-to-day world of teaching and learning. for U.S. Military Families, funded by the U.S. Department of Defense and Coast Guard Mutual Assistance, is a free program that allows eligible college and grades K-12 students in U.S. military families to connect to a live tutor online at any time for one-to-one help with homework, studying, test prep, proofreading and more.

National Parent Teacher Association: An organization dedicated to making a difference in the education, health, and safety of America’s children and youth.


Information for Local Fallon Schools

Churchill County School District (PK-12; approximately 10 minutes from base and services base housing)

Lyon County School District (K-12 Fernley Schools; approximately 40 minutes from base)

Oasis Charter School (grades K-12; approvimately 15 minutes from base)

Logos Christian Academy (grades K-8; approximately 10 minutes from base)

Seventh Day Adventist School (grades K-8; approximately 10 minutes from base

Agape Christian School (grades K-12; approximately 15 minutes from base)

Homeschooling Information

Nevada Regulations for Homeschooling

Homeschooling in Churchill County

Homeschooling in Lyon County

Supplemental High School Options

DoDEA Expanded Eligibility Pilot Program (grades 9-12; AP, CTE, STEM,  and Foreign Language courses for Active Duty Dependents)

Youth Sponsorship Information

Moving to the area and have a youth transferring with you? Connect with a youth sponsor to help make the move easier. Contact your NAS Fallon School Liaison to get your child/teen started today!


Youth Sponsors can:

  • Talk about the location, schools, sports, events, shopping, library and more.
  • Relate to moving.
  • Build a new peer relationship to help ease the first week of school.
  • Discuss class options.
  • Answer questions your youth might not want to bother you with like, "Do they watch anime there?", "Will my clothes be in style?", "Do they have lacrosse?", "What type of things are there to do?"



Children With Special Needs

If you have a child with special needs, be sure to enroll him or her in the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP). This is a mandatory program for any family member who has special medical, educational, developmental, and/or emotional need or concern. The special need should be identified by a healthcare provider so that you can attend one of the free EFMP Orientation Workshops and get the paperwork necessary for enrollment in the program. EFMP Workshops are conveniently located at various times and locations to accommodate your schedule. For more information, please call the EFMP Coordinator for NAS Fallon. The office is located at Naval Branch Health Clinic Fallon and the number is 775 426-3111. The number for EFMP Navy Headquarters is 866-827-5672.

Teens in High School

If you have a child who will be in high school, review the gaining state’s graduation requirements. In particular, familiarize yourself with the school’s grading system and weighted grades (such as AP classes). This may affect your child’s GPA. The state of Nevada high school graduation requirements (and links to Churchill County Schools-Fallon, and Lyon County Schools-Fernley) can be found at the Nevada Department of Education web site. Be sure to give the losing school adequate notice of your family’s departure (at least two weeks, if possible). Encourage your child to visit the Military Teen/Military Kids on the Move website.

Easing Your Child's Anxiety About The New School

  • Become familiar with your child’s school before your child’s first day. Give your child as many details as possible about the new school and the surrounding community in order to ease the first day jitters.
  • Help your child establish ways to stay in touch with friends at their previous duty station. This gives him a sense of continuity as he acclimates to the new school environment and makes new friends.
  • Encourage children to talk with their teachers. Getting to know their teachers makes it easier for them to ask for help. If you have a young child, make a point of meeting the new teacher personally.
  • Talk to your children about their school experiences. Encouraging your child to talk about his frustrations in her new learning environment provides her with a healthy forum for expression.
  • Encourage your child to join extracurricular activities such as clubs or school organizations. This is a positive, productive way to meet people with shared interests.
  • If school work is challenging, talk to your child’s teacher. Children should not wait until they are overwhelmed to voice their concerns. This is a good way to model positive interaction with the teacher.
  • Finally, do not hesitate to contact your local School Liaison Officer. We are ready and willing to help you with every phase of your school transition!

Visit the Fleet and Family Support Center at NAS Fallon!


Youth Sponsorship

Youth Sponsorship (grades 3-12) provides access to positive peer groups and social activities, helping military children feel connected at their new duty station. If interested in connecting your child with a local youth sponsor, complete the fields below. Once received, you will be contacted by a School Liaison Officer/Youth Center Manager.

For Youth Sponsorship with School Age Care or Youth Programs, participants must be enrolled or a registered user.

Click here to get started!

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