Auto Skills Center
The Auto Skills Center is available for self-help automotive projects. Instruction and assistance are available for the novice. The shop, located in Bldg. 393, features three hydraulic two post lifts and a motorcycle lift for the "do-it-yourself" types. Specialty tools and hand tools are provided at no additional cost. Auto Skills also has a two bay Car Wash facility, Bldg. 53, next to the Base Movie Theater, for a nominal fee. For additional questions please contact the Auto Skills Center and we would be happy to provide additional program details.
Services are on a first come, first served basis.
- Lift: $8.00 per hour
- Bay: $5.00 per hour
- Tire Mounting & Balance: $8.00 per tire
- Brake Resurfacing: $25.00 (2) pair
- Overnight Storage Fee: $10.00
- 1 time release fee: $5.00
- Scan Tool: $2.00 per use
Auto Skills Lemon Lot
Available for customers to sell their personally owned vehicles. Located in CPO parking lot.
- Lemon Lot Price: $20.00 for 30 days. Refunds are not available.
MWR Car Wash
- Bay Wash: $3.00 for 6 minutes
- Vacuums: $1.00 for 5 minutes
- RV Storage $40.00 per month
- Car-Personal Storage $45.00 per month.
Please contact us for availability.